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Wednesday 2 April 2014

Teddy bears and rocking chairs

We're struggling here in Yorkshire under a foggy sky which, according to experts, is a cloud of pollution blown in from Europe which is sitting underneath a cloud of dust from the Sahara desert. I really wish it had blown in some of the Sahara's warmth along with it but no ... it has felt really cold and damp and grey all day. It didn't stop me going into town for a warming cup of coffee though.

I finally got back to doing something miniature - it's been a while for one reason and another. So I just added these teddy bears in rocking chairs and sets of cushions to my Etsy shop.

Aren't those teddies adorable?!

And finally ...
 Some pictures of the auriculas blooming in my greenhouse

to remind me that it really is spring


  1. this is a very best site of cherry croft and it is use for baby&children and they provide are rocking chairs and i am sure your images.
